The gansey (or guernsey) is a seaman's knitted woollen sweater. Originally it was a garment forfishermenwho needed a warm, hard wearing, comfortable sweater that would resist the rain and oceanspray.
The sample sweater shown on the right is characterized by textured patterns created byknit/purlcombinations with an underarm gusset.
Gansey's are knitted in the round from the cast-on to the underarms, then worked flat to theshoulder.After joining the shoulders, the sleeves are picked up and knitted down to the cuff. The yarnis a 5-plywool in a sport weight.
They might have an initial knitted into them.
We are now stocking Gansey Yarn.
We also bring the 5-ply Gansey yarn as ordered on the full and half cones. Colors are on the colorchart.Call for more info.
We have a Gansey Group that meets every Sunday. Come work on your gansey project or start one. Call formore details: 403.845.5050.
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